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  • Writer's pictureKeelie Longoria


Over the past couple of months, I discovered a true love and passion for nature and what beauty appears when looking in the right places. In addition, I found that I enjoy being away from cell towers and not having a cell phone literally blowing up with texts, notifications, and phone calls. Nature is stunningly harmonious and I believe that everyone should get off their couch, out of the comfy clothes, and get out there! Whether that is walking down a nature trail, strolling alongside the ocean, or watching the sunset from the top of a mountain - you should do it! In this blog post specifically, I went to Still House Lake, which is located in Belton, Texas. Besides the beautiful view of the water and the little "island", this location definitely provides a great workout! I can only imagine how the sunset would look across the waters with all the pinks, oranges, and sometimes purples that would swirl across the sky. In addition, this is a great place to do photo shoots! (Hint: More about that will be in another blog post!)

The day that I took this photograph, it was pretty breezy yet super warm thanks to the sun! This may have been the only time that I actually enjoyed being out in the sun, considering I usually get sun burnt super easily, haha! Besides appreciating what Mother Nature chooses to convey with the world, it is a beautiful thing to be away from cell towers. I cannot express enough to you guys how peaceful it was not being on my phone every couple of minutes or having friends questioning my whereabouts because they want to hang out. The only downside is that when you do get near a cell tower again, your cell phone is going to light up like a Christmas tree and sound like Taylor Swift's latest hit on top volume!

I must say that my absolute favorite part about becoming one with nature is that I feel

completely free - no judgement, no rules, and no limitations! Walking alongside Still House Lake was like becoming one with the water; how the waves flowing, ripples growing, and splashing against the rocks with triumph! I know that there are people out there that may not agree with how I perceive nature in the times that I take trips into the "wild", but then I have to ask, what is you perception on nature? What is Mother Nature telling you? Take the time today, tomorrow, and even the next day to find a safe way to travel to an underpopulated area during the least busiest hours. You will not regret it, and you can thank me later! See ya!

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