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  • Writer's pictureKeelie Longoria

Hi! I'm Keelie and Welcome to My Blog + Website!

Updated: Jun 7, 2021

Hi there! My name is Keelie and I am so glad that you have dropped by! Starting off with a little bit about me, I currently live in Texas but I was born up North in Wisconsin! Full-on cheese head! As for what I am all about, it is a crazy ride starting with being an ultimate dog lover, pet mom, floral designer, belly dancer, website designer, college student, YouTuber, self-photographer, and self-model! Do I seem crazy yet? I know I do! It took me years to finally come to the realization that I was not going to be able to sit down and focus on one talent, one goal, or one career because I love doing a multitude of activities that bring me joy, of course.

Next, this may get a little emotional, but that is completely okay! My biggest goal is to take my life as far as I can before I run out of fuel because not everyone is given the chance to live out their lives how they want to - let alone be given the chance to have a life. I was born over a month early, meaning I was premature, and if my Mom had not have given birth to me when she did we could have both died. I purposely memorized even the time that I was born along with the details that I've gathered over the years to cherish every moment that I can imagine. As I was brought into this world, I faced my very first obstacle. But this isn't over! Life is always a roller coaster with

its ups and downs and runarounds! To keep this short, the greatest obstacles I have faced include being bullied for over fifteen years - cyber, physical, verbal and social - and being diagnosed with Severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gluten Intolerance, and Lactose Intolerance. You may be thinking, how on earth does she get through all that? How does she do it? I have always kept my family and friends close, while I keep my dreams even closer.

I always tell people, I am an open book if you can read me. You will know more when I let you learn more. And lastly, I open up when trust is earned. There is a lot that you can learn about me, but there is so much that I can learn about you! Throughout this blog, you will learn about the different hobbies, experiences, recipes, and all about my super crazy and jam packed life!

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